our philosophy

how brands behave online is as important as how they look and feel. 

what we do

 digital strategy

We help organizations navigate and find success in the digital world through unique strategic insight, followed by actionable recommendations. We act as a creative resource, aligning inspiration, business objectives and creativity into powerful digital strategies.

content creation

We know how to skillfully share a brand's message through the creation of beautiful and compelling multi-platform content. We partner with the best graphic artists, photographers, videographers and writers to actualize brand stories in a stunning way.

 influencer activations

The most powerful way to influence consumer behavior is through trusted, first-person recommendations. We provide and implement strategies on how brands can bring authority to their offering through the point of view of online taste makers.

Why do anything if you can't measure its success? Our work is deeply rooted in creating strategies that are trackable and reporting on their results. If we're doing something right, we want to do more of that.

who we've worked with


ogilvy action


alphabet creative


50 strategy + creative


fancy boys

northern army

landrover canada

jaguar canada

tourism ontario

delta hotels

toys 'R' us

rogers tv

health canada

the royal ottawa hospital

city of kingston

kingston accomodation partners



domicile developments

st laurent centre

linebox studio

groupe pacifique

ottawa wine & food festival

billings bridge shopping centre

the ottawa food bank

bang on!

   about our founder

Carolynn Lacasse

In a previous life Carolynn worked in the startup world helping ad agencies and big brands understand the value of measuring the success of digital marketing through analytics software. Now at the helm at équipe, she works with the best creative talent to bring brand stories to life.

follow at @carolynnlacasse

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